Riverwall’s in house Cleaning & Restoration can provide a one stop shop approach when it comes to Building & Restoration.
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Water Damage
Emergency Mitigation & structural drying
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Sewer Damage
CAT3 emergency mitigation
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Fire Damage
Cleaning and decontamination of contents and structure
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Site Assessments
And Reporting - i
Content Pack Outs And Storage
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Remediation - i
Food Grade Cleaning
& Decontamination - i
Removal - i
Hazardous Materials Containment/removal & Disposal
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Dry Cleaning
Contact our staff 24/7 on 1300 851 509 to appoint Riverwall as your Restoration Specialist
Make Safe – Major Loss – Commercial and Retail
Riverwall was appointed to an emergency make safe as a result of a large scale fire occurring at a premises on a main arterial road in the inner west.
There was potential for collapse of the masonry walls onto the busy road below. Riverwall liased with statutory authorities to undertake the make safe, wall bracing and demolition works, allowing the road to be re-opened and easing traffic. This took place within a few short hours of attending site.
Church Re-instatement in Goulburn
Church Re-instatement in Goulburn
On Wednesday the 25th of March 2020 Riverwall Constructions were requested to quote on resultant water damage to a Church in Goulburn NSW. Reinstatement works included the replacement of the church carpet flooring, underlying MDF flooring, the sanding and staining to the entire exposed timber roof framework and to paint all walls to best match the existing condition prior to the water ingress event.
After winning the job on the 24th of August 2020, Riverwall Constructions’ Senior Project Manager Chris Dedes and Senior Estimator Michael Newlan liaised closely with the Insured and all interested parties to ensure that the works did not damage, alter or affect the undamaged items within the church throughout the contract signing phase of the project.
Works commenced on the 11th of January 2021 and completed on the 26th of February 2021 with weekly meetings being held between all stakeholders in order to allow Senior Project Manager Chris Dedes to ensure that the high-quality works and streamlined construction programme was exceeding the stakeholder’s expectations throughout the entirety of the project.
Once works were completed and all interested parties were happy with the quality of works, a final handover meeting took place on-site on the 4th of March 2021 where the Insured provided Riverwall with their thoughts and feedback on the works. As per the Insured, they were “delighted with the final outcome” and “have certainly felt part of this process.” Riverwall Constructions were pleased to hear such positive feedback and look forward to completing similar projects in the future.